130-150 Roses in Super Deluxe Square Grey Suede Rose Box
Same day delivery available, select this option at checkout for flowers delivered the same day
Every beautiful rose box measures 20"x 20 with the roses 2”-3” in diameter. The size of the roses may also vary in size, due to only being farmed in season. This gorgeous, brushed suede rose box is perfect when finding a way to say 'I love you' without having to use the words themselves. But don't be fooled to think a rose box like this is only for a romantic partner. With love coming in all shapes and sizes, there is no reason why this won't make the ideal gift for a friend or family member you wish to make feel special.
Personalised Just for You
Your infinity roses will be carefully placed by hand into this beautifully soft super deluxe round grey rose box before being gift-wrapped and sent to your door.
Personalised Rose Boxes
Your forever roses will be carefully placed by hand into this beautifully soft and round grey rose box before being gift-wrapped and sent straight to your door.
With so many roses in a single rose box, you may worry about the impact just this rose box has on the environment. But what makes these infinity roses particularly special is how they are farmed directly from our own Fairtrade Farms and are naturally sustainable to last, therefore do not harm the planet like regular fresh roses. We believe in gifting with purpose, which is why we ensure that every rose box can be adored for years, not days.
Spread the Cost with Klarna and Clearpay
In times like these, we know the importance of being able to spread the cost. We're proud to partner with Klarna and Clearpay, two payment services that allow you to spread the cost of your roses. We ensure you're able to treat the one you love with the reassurance you've got a clear payment plan you can trust.
Free UK Weekday Delivery and International Shipping to 250 Countries
We offer free UK Delivery every weekday without any additional fees that will be added when selecting a weekend delivery date. Regardless of the day, all orders should be placed no later than 3pm the previous day, to ensure we are able to complete your order to the highest standard.
We also ship to over 250 countries around the world, with next-day shipping to most. We recommend all international orders are placed at least five working days before your desired delivery date. Find out more here about our international delivery here.
Please note, the colour of the roses can differ due to the effect of the seasons and the number of roses stated is for guidance only.