Extra Large Grey Square Suede Rose Box
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This extra large luxury rose box is 12" x12" and contains 36 infinity roses, usually measuring 2" to 3" in diameter. The number of roses may vary due to the differing sizes of rose heads.
Gorgeous in grey, this extra large square suede luxury rose box is an ideal statement centrepiece when paired with our eco-sustainable infinity roses that last for years, not just days.
Infinity Roses in 14 Colours
Amaranté forever flowers are stunning arrangements and the perfect gift to make a strong statement to a loved one or display a close and personal connection. These roses in a luxury rose box convey deep and meaningful messages, like admiration and passion, perfect for a special occasion. Offering a variety of fourteen deliciously deluxe colours, you will find the ideal gift for romantic partners, friends or family members.
Rose Boxes That Can Be Cherished For Years
Infinity Roses are the ultimate tool for evoking happiness and displaying affection. Our extensive eco-sustainable collections contain carefully preserved forever roses, meaning that this gift will bring joy to those who receive them for years to come. Our rose boxes are perfect if you're looking for a wedding reception centrepiece. Alternatively, they make great display pieces in the home, impressing anyone who takes a glance.
This elegant grey large box of infinity roses is a perfect combination with monochromatic interiors, bridging the distance between black and white. Grey connotes diplomacy and can create balance. That is apparent in our charmingly muted grey hatbox. Choose from our astounding range of striking colours, and this grey hatbox will effortlessly pull your colour scheme together.
Spread the Cost with Klarna and Clearpay
We're proud to partner with Klarna and Clearpay, two payment services that allow you to spread the cost of this important gift. We ensure you're able to treat the one you love with the reassurance you've got a clear payment plan you can trust.
Free UK Delivery on Weekdays, we'll deliver your flowers in 250 countries
Free UK Delivery on weekdays - an additional fee will apply for weekend delivery. Amaranté will send your flowers globally, including next day delivery to most. Place your order at least five working days for international delivery to ensure your flowers arrive in time. Find out more about shipping directly to the country of your choosing on our international delivery page.
Please note, the colour of the roses can differ due to the effect of the seasons.